When talking about orthodontics, it is very common to confuse orthodontic appliances and orthodontic treatments. Simply put, treatments are the processes, while appliances (braces, Invisalign, etc) are the tools.
Dr. Yang find that the best way to explain this is through food analogies. You can make burgers, or steaks (the treatments) on either electric grill or charcoal grill (the appliances). Both kind of grills have pros and cons. However, the most important element in cooking is the chef and not the grill!
Similarly in orthodontics, the skill of the orthodontist is far more important in the final result than the type of appliance that was used.
At Modern Orthodontist, we provide you best of both world. Dr. Yang is an expert in orthodontic treatments and a master at using nearly all orthodontic appliances. In fact, we offer more orthodontic appliance types than just about any other office in Houston.
That is important in two ways. First, the patients have more choices. Second, more importantly, we can provide you with unbiased opinion on different appliance for your case. Many dental offices only provide Invisalign, would they be able to offer truly unbiased opinion? Would Hank, the propane salesman in King of the Hill, be able to offer unbiased opinion on an electric or charcoal grill? As Dr. Yang always say, “If you only know how to use a hammer, everything looks like a nail”.
Without further ado, let’s look at all the different appliance choices available!